Adrienne’s joining us for an evening to chat and chill, and she’s inviting you to ASK HER ANYTHING!!


This free Virtual Xenite Retreat event brings fans from around the world together to spend some time with Adrienne Wilkinson and get to know her a little better. Don’t you just love the Xena fandom?!

AND THE BEST PART? You get to come up on screen (if you want!) and ask Adrienne your question, face to face!! Thank you to the powers of the Gods.. uh.. Internet Gods that is! It doesn’t get more personal than this!

If you’ve never been to a convention before, this is the perfect opportunity for you to get some one-on-one personal time with the beautiful and talented woman who brought Livia and Eve to life!

IMPORTANT NOTE: You *must* register to attend the event if you wish to ask Adrienne a question on screen. REGISTER HERE:

Join us for a casual, fun evening, and hear some of the exciting news Adrienne has to share with us!